Adams Logistics is a transport logistics company that was established in 2013 and which operates in Finland and Estonia. The company has over 25 years of experience in container transportation and other logistics tasks in Scandinavia and the Baltic region. The company has a new operating area that covers the rest of Europe.
Since 2015, the collaboration with Adams Logistics Oy has resulted in new applications in the ISO container market. It has also brought savings for Adams and made the transportation of hazardous chemicals more convenient.
Admor ISO composite containers are tailored to the needs of Adams Logistics Oy in terms of both the internal structure and the accessories. Customer-specific tailoring ensures that the containers are durable and easy to maintain for many years. The thermoplastic coating on the inside of the containers makes the containers resistant to a number of chemicals which, in turn, enables various materials to be transported.
The CEO of Adams, Kari Alatorvinen states: “The company specializes in chemical container transportation in Scandinavia, Central Europe, the Baltic region and Russia. We offer our customers reliable and high-quality transportation services and we have many years of experience. Our high-quality transportation is made possible by the tailor-made ISO tank containers supplied by Admor Composites Ltd, for example. Adams Logistics operates in accordance with quality, environmental and safety standards. The safety aspects relating to transport are particularly important when transporting hazardous materials and the company is continuously seeking to develop such aspects in its own operating methods.”